
What Is a Song?

Is it simply the music flowing out of your earphones? According to the law, the answer is a bit more…

A ‘Skate Migration’ Is Changing How Atlanta Rolls

To parse the different regional roller skating styles in metro Atlanta rinks, watch the traffic patterns. Sparkles Family Fun Center…

Robert Kagan Takes the Long View on Trumpism

Describe your ideal reading experience (when, where, what, how). Midnight, at the kitchen table, with a bowl of cornflakes. How…

Rare Editions of Pushkin Are Vanishing From Libraries Around Europe

Dozens of books have disappeared from Warsaw to Paris. The police are looking into who is taking them, and why…

His Book Was Repeatedly Banned. Fighting For It Shaped His Life.

“The Chocolate War,” published 50 years ago, became one of the country’s most challenged books. Its author, Robert Cormier, spent…

Higher Home Values Mean Higher Taxes. Who’s Paying the Most?

Thanks to huge increases in values, with home sellers making double or triple what they paid, more sales are triggering…

The Biden Campaign’s High-Powered Effort to Define R.F.K. Jr.

Pretty much every presidential election includes a smattering of third-party and independent candidates — minor players who have slim to…

Gardens of Good and Evil

I’ve always thought of gardens as benign, even virtuous places. It wasn’t until the lockdowns of 2020 that the garden…

Trump Embraces Lawlessness, but in the Name of a Higher Law

Donald Trump is often denounced in terms that suggest he poses an existential threat to the American political tradition. He…

Campus Protests Aren’t Going Away. Colleges Need to Draw Lines.

Student protests across the country continue to escalate, leading to mass arrests and police action. In this conversation with politics…

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