
If You Read One Romance This Spring, Make It This One

Spring! There’s no better time of year for a baseball romance. We’ll wind up the column with a much-anticipated book…

Searching for the Real ‘Anna O.’

As described by Gabriel Brownstein, the basis for one of Freud’s most famous cases posed as many questions as it…

Jane Smiley’s Folk Music Novel Hits Some Bum Notes

“Lucky” features a 1970s singer-songwriter who finds improbable success.

The Humbling of Marjorie Taylor Greene

In our Trump-era politics, there’s always the question of how crazy is too crazy — how disruptive and extreme an…

Patients Are Losing Trust in Doctors. Medicine Suffers.

I arrived at the hospital one recent morning to find a team of doctors gathered just outside a patient room.…

Why Losing Political Power Now Feels Like ‘Losing Your Country’

Is partisan hostility so deeply enmeshed in American politics that it cannot be rooted out? Will Donald Trump institutionalize democratic…

Biden’s Deep Miscalculation on Israel and Gaza

Nicholas Kristof asks: Where has our moral president gone?

Fragments of Bird Flu Virus Discovered in Milk

The milk poses virtually no risk to consumers, experts said. But the finding suggests that the outbreak in dairy cows…

‘Mary Jane’ Review: When Parenting Means Intensive Care

Amy Herzog’s heartbreaker arrives on Broadway with Rachel McAdams as the alarmingly upbeat mother of a fearfully sick child.

To Be (Visibly) Jewish in the Ivy League

Netanel Crispe, from Danby, Vt., is a 21-year-old junior studying American history at Yale. He is also, to his knowledge,…

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