
What Worries Me Most About a Trump Presidency

There are almost daily headlines now describing what Donald Trump would do if elected: the mass deportations, the pardons handed…

Israel: Cease-Fire, Get Hostages, Leave Gaza, Rethink Everything

Israel today is at a strategic point in its war in Gaza, and there is every indication that Prime Minister…

Where Is America’s ‘Rules-Based Order’ Now?

No sooner had a nearly unanimous United Nations Security Councilpassed a resolution demanding an “immediate cease-fire” in Gaza last month…

Netanyahu Must Go

It’s no secret to readers of this column where I stand on Israel’s war in Gaza. Israel must destroy Hamas…

How the Pro-Life Movement’s Deal With Trump Made America More Pro-Choice

The captivity of the pro-life movement to the character of Donald Trump is a crucial aspect of contemporary abortion politics.…

This Is What You Get When Fear Mixes With Money

Donald Trump has added something new to the practice of extracting money from major donors: fear. Traditionally, high-dollar contributors write…

How Much of a Threat Is Kennedy to Biden?

The columnist Michelle Goldberg reports on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s coalition of the alienated.

Savages! Innocents! Sages! What Do We Really Know About Early Humans?

In “The Invention of Prehistory,” the historian Stefanos Geroulanos argues that many of our theories about our remote ancestors tell…

Is This Maternity Hospital Haunted, or Is It All a Pregnant Metaphor?

In Clare Beams’s eerie new novel, “The Garden,” nefarious things are afoot.

What Happened When Captain Cook Went Crazy

THE WIDE WIDE SEA: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook, by Hampton Sides…

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