
Taxpayers for U.S. Chips

​​The United States has authorized $280 billion in taxpayer money to subsidize rich computer chip companies and invest in technology…

24 Freezer-Friendly Recipes to Cook for New (and Tired) Parents

Nothing can prepare someone for the level of exhaustion and elation that accompanies the early days of parenthood. But helping…

Gary Schroen, Who Led the C.I.A. Into Afghanistan, Dies at 80

Gary C. Schroen, a veteran C.I.A. operative who, just weeks after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, led the first…

Change These Default Settings and Be Happier With Your Tech

Many default settings buried deep inside our technology make us share superfluous amounts of data with tech companies. In my…

Science Is Still in a Race Against the Coronavirus

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a lesson in speed: the speed at which a novel virus among humans can spread;…

The Strength of Our Political Loyalties Changes Our Actual Beliefs

When so many voters — a majority, in fact — say that they prefer consensus to conflict, why does polarization…

When America Joined the Cult of the Confederacy

President Woodrow Wilson transformed government into an engine of white supremacy when he took office in 1913. His administration segregated…

What Does ‘Vex Money’ Do to Love?

Vex money. Noun. Origin: Anglophone Caribbean. Meaning: money stashed on your person or in a secret place (a brassiere, a…

Your Blue State Won’t Save You: Why State Politics Is National Politics

Produced by ‘The Argument’ Last week, Kansans voted in overwhelming numbers to protect abortion rights in their State Constitution —…

A Songwriter and His Sister Take on a Hollywood Hills Fixer-Upper

CJ Baran needed a new home in Los Angeles for personal and professional reasons. After living in an apartment for…

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