Describe your ideal reading experience (when, where, what, how). Peace! I need my peace. I usually read in my office,…
Literary allusions are everywhere. What are they good for?
Stephen Breyer means well. Why is his new book, “Reading the Constitution,” so exasperating?
The awards included a lifetime achievement honor given to Judy Blume.
Sloane Crosley’s apartment was robbed. Then her friend died. The only sensible thing to do was write about how it…
How a best-selling classic from 1992 helped me rediscover my creativity.
In his eighth book, the best-selling author Cal Newport offers life hacks for producing high-quality work while working less.
Lyz Lenz’s memoir, “This American Ex-Wife,” is one of several best-selling autobiographies that lift the veil on imperfect marriages.
Authors Equity is tiny but has big industry names behind it. Its founders hope their profit-sharing approach and experience will…
What books are on your night stand? On the literal night stand, the pile includes Alice McDermott’s “The Ninth Hour”…