Produced by ‘The Ezra Klein Show’ The year 2022 was jam-packed with advances in artificial intelligence, from the release of…
Originally, the Manhattan cathedral was to have a 40-story tower, but its planners had failed to take geology into account.
Making movies about writers is notoriously difficult, though the temptation is clear. After all, filmmakers, like authors, are storytellers, and…
It’s 2023. What will the new year bring? The answer, of course, is that we don’t know. There are a…
True story: When I won the Nobel Prize in 2008, Princeton quickly set up a special event on campus and…
Kirill, 24, worked at a nonprofit for homeless people in the Moscow region. He does not support the policies of…
Here we are at the end of another year, and as humans are wont to do around this time, I’ve…
The nation’s top infectious disease expert, whose last day as a federal employee is Saturday, plans to write a memoir…
Several years before she died, my mother began sending me things — ostensibly significant objects. These included expected items like…
What would it be like to be so ashamed of your life that you felt compelled to invent a new…