
They Shoot Owls in California, Don’t They?

In the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest, the northern spotted owl, a rare and fragile subspecies of spotted owl,…

Exploring Atomic Bomb History Beyond Los Alamos

The Atomic Museum in Las Vegas explains to visitors that Nevada and other states also played a role — for…

Cicadas Are Emerging Now. How Do They Know When to Come Out?

Scientists are making computer models to better understand how the mysterious insects emerge collectively after more than a decade underground.

In Coral Fossils, Searching for the First Glow of Bioluminescence

A new study resets the timing for the emergence of bioluminescence back to millions of years earlier than previously thought.

Yellowstone’s Wolves: A Debate Over Their Role in the Park’s Ecosystem

In 1995, 14 wolves were delivered by truck and sled to the heart of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, where…

Like Moths to a Flame? We May Need a New Phrase.

Over time researchers have found fewer of the insects turning up in light traps, suggesting they may be less attracted…

Watch the Lyrid Meteor Shower Reach Its Peak

Our universe might be chock-full of cosmic wonder, but you can only observe a fraction of astronomical phenomena with your…

The Dusty Magnets of the Milky Way

Every new generation of eyes sees a new version of our galaxy, the Milky Way. This Impressionistic swirl of color…

Colorado Bill Aims to Protect Consumer Brain Data

Consumers have grown accustomed to the prospect that their personal data, such as email addresses, social contacts, browsing history and…

An 11-Year-Old Girl’s Fossil Find Is the Largest Known Ocean Reptile

When Ruby Reynolds and her father found a fossil on an English beach, they didn’t know it belonged to an…

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