
Days on Mars Are Getting Shorter

The discovery, using data from NASA’s retired InSight lander, is puzzling to scientists who study the red planet.

Superconductor Scientist Faces Investigation as a Paper Is Retracted

The Latest A prominent physics journal on Tuesday retracted a materials science paper that has garnered scrutiny. One of its…

A Museum of ‘Electrifying Frankness’ Weighs Dialing It Down

The Mütter Museum, a beloved 19th-century collection of medical curiosities and human remains in Philadelphia, wants to adopt a more…

The Perseids Meteor Shower, One of the Year’s Best, Is Reaching Its Peak

On any given night, far from bright city lights, there’s a chance that you’ll see a beautiful streak shoot across…

Our Galaxy Is Home to Trillions of Worlds Gone Rogue

Astronomers have found that free-floating planets far outnumber those bound to a host star.

Enslaved African Americans in Maryland Linked to 42,000 Living Relatives

The analysis marks the first time historical DNA has been used to trace the descendants and distant cousins of enslaved…

A Theory of Childbirth’s Evolution May Not Be What You’re Expecting

Scientists are revisiting an influential theory that the evolution of big brains made human childbirth risky.

A Pancaked Turtle Fossil’s 150-Million-Year-Old Tale

Today it is Bavaria, a region of Germany. But in the Late Jurassic Period, it was a shallow tropical archipelago…

A Looming Retraction Casts a Shadow Over a Field of Physics

Misconduct allegations are leading scientists to question the work of Ranga Dias, including his claimed discovery of a room-temperature superconductor.

When Ancient Eruptions Pumped Diamonds to Earth’s Surface

A new study offers clues to the mysteries of kimberlite eruptions, the source of most of the diamonds mined on…

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