
South Africa Again Asks U.N.’s Top Court to Act Against Israel in Gaza

Days after an Israeli military incursion into Rafah, in southern Gaza, South Africa once again asked the United Nations’ top…

A Solar Storm Lights Up the Night Sky

People in Britain marveled at the unusual and spectacular sight of the northern lights on Friday night, the consequence of…

A Global Lesson from Britain’s Crumbling Conservative Party

Sometimes, even as the far right rises, the center holds.

College Parent Arrested After Confrontation at Syracuse Campus Protest

Ronn Torossian, an associate of Mayor Eric Adams, said he was protesting what he sees as Syracuse University’s inadequate response…

What We Know About Where Aid Can Enter Gaza

Following Israel’s incursion into Rafah this week, the Israeli military briefly shut down the Kerem Shalom crossing and seized the…

Cease-Fire Talks Hit Snag on How Many Hostages Would Be Freed in First Phase and Other Issues, Officials Say.

Talks involving Israeli and Hamas negotiators on a cease-fire and hostage release deal remain snagged over whether a truce would…

U.S. Criticizes Israel for Failure to Protect Civilians in the Gaza Conflict

The Biden administration believes that Israel has most likely violated international standards in failing to protect civilians in Gaza but…

Kuwaiti Emir Suspends Parliament, Citing Political Tumult

The country’s ruler also suspended several constitutional articles, raising concerns that he could diminish political freedoms in one of the…

White House Defends Voting ‘No’ on U.N. Resolution Supporting Palestinian Statehood

A White House spokesman on Friday defended the United States’ decision to oppose a U.N. resolution declaring support for Palestinian…

Aiming for Rosier Ties, Xi Wraps Up Europe Visit

The red carpet receptions China’s leader received in France, Serbia and Hungary helped recast a strained relationship with the continent.

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