

Democrats Signal Openness to Plan to Avert Shutdown as Republicans Balk

The House could take up the proposal as early as Tuesday. With growing opposition from House Republicans, it will need…


A Look at Suella Braverman’s Turbulent Time as Home Secretary.

Suella Braverman is no stranger to moments of controversy and polarization as a member of the Conservative government. A hard-right,…


Johnson Pitches Bill to Avert Government Shutdown That Faces an Uncertain Fate

The measure would extend funding for some agencies through late January, and for others until early February. It omits funding…


Plans to Slash Emissions at Britain’s Largest Steel Plant Cause Unease

Two hulking towers nearly 300 feet high rise from the steel-making complex that dominates the shoreline of the faded industrial…


Watchdog Says Trump Didn’t Influence Decision on F.B.I. Headquarters

Still, the bureau’s director noted that Donald J. Trump had made it unmistakably clear, even before appointing him, that he…


Review: ‘Scavengers Reign’ Is a Gorgeous, Hypnotic Space Trip

Max’s animated sci-fi saga imagines a bizarre ecosystem in which humans are the invasive species.


10 Stops in 5 Days, Plus an Air Raid Shelter, for Blinken

The secretary of state’s chaotic trip in the Middle East has underscored the scale and complexity of the diplomatic crisis…


How to Cut Through the Ad Blitz During Medicare’s Open Enrollment

A new study found that the advertisements can be confusing and misleading. Here’s how to make smart buying decisions.


Retailers’ Seasonal Hiring Plans Signal a Cooling Labor Market

After scrambling to fill out work forces in recent years, many companies are reporting more modest goals for temporary employment.


Former N.F.L. Players to Retain Disability Benefits

Lloyd Howell, the new executive director of the N.F.L. Players Association, pushed to have the benefits of hundreds of former…

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