How worried you should be about H5N1, the bird flu virus spreading on dairy farms in the United States, depends…
There is no guarantee that a person-to-person virus would be benign, scientists say, and vaccines and treatments at hand may…
A dairy worker in Texas contracts H5N1 bird flu after contact with infected cows, and suffers eye inflammation. Weeks later,…
Los investigadores descubrieron que enormes cantidades de elefantes marinos murieron luego de que el virus adquirió casi 20 nuevas mutaciones.
Huge die-offs of elephant seals occurred after the virus gained nearly 20 troublesome new mutations, scientists found.
The third human case of H5N1, reported on Thursday in a farmworker in Michigan who was experiencing respiratory symptoms, tells…
Muscle from a sick dairy cow tested positive for the virus. The meat did not enter the commercial food supply,…
The results bolster evidence that virus-laden raw milk may be unsafe for humans.
We don’t yet know if H5N1 bird flu will spill over from animals to infect a large number of humans.…
But the scope of the outbreak among cattle remains uncertain, and little human testing has been done.